C-girl this is for you, I know that you wanted me to do something like”YO OVER HERE!!!!!!!!!”. (See Carmina’s blog for further details on this.) So here you are.
If you wish to join and you aren’t C-girl, feel free too! This is a story for everyone to join into and I hope that we’ll all have fun adding to the plot.

Here’s the start: “The wind stirred, the burned walls crumbled as I walked past them. How could this have happened? We were so close, so close to what we could have accomplished. How could I have let this fall upon them?
I sank to the floor, if only, if only I had more time. The tears slipped down my face as I stared ahead. I was a failure again.”

based off of what I just wrote please feel free to take on the character or make one of your own. You may join at anytime in the story and we will continue it through comments. Thank you for your participation!

130 thoughts on “SEE FOR YOURSELF!!!”

  1. stay away from matches


  2. *I don’t either so just make it up as you go!*
    I looked around the clearing one last time and began to chant.
    Please work. Please oh, please work! I pleaded as I felt my body change location.


  3. There was a shimmering outline appearing a little ways from us. I quickly ripped some loose sheets off of a bed and tossed them behind to lie Lymann there out of sight. Who knew who it could be?
    I stay there with Lymann breathing heavily, my own breathing stopped. Friend or foe? I worried. Amigo o enimgo?


  4. I felt the air change and pass by me and change in quality. It was very strange and I would never be used to it. I would never know why such people would want to travel this way. Though I supposed it was convenient in this situation.
    I opened my eyes and felt myself standing in a new place.


  5. I peeked nervously around the bed of the hospital. *it’s now a hospital kay?* “Oh, good!” I sighed, standing up. “It’s you, Justice! I was so worried it could be some creeper!”


  6. “No creepers here.” I smiled. At least I was able to transport them to where they needed to go. That was all that mattered to me.
    “How is he?” I asked looking at Grace.


  7. “I-I don’t know,” I faltered. “This is so far beyond what I have been taught… I have no idea how to heal him.” I looked up at her tentatively. “Perhaps you could teach me…?”


  8. “Absolutely not!” I began outraged. Grace looked at me sadly. “Look, I know you want to do what you can to help him but . . . you don’t want to know what kind of power I have. It is a burden that is far too much for a beautiful and young girl your age. I couldn’t bring myself to ruin your life as mine has been. I will see what I can do.” I smiled kindly but then knelt next to Lymann. I hoped I would have the skills to heal him.


  9. “Absolutely not!” she looked both frightened and angry. “Look, I know you want to do what you can to help him but . . . you don’t want to know what kind of power I have. It is a burden that is far too much for a beautiful and young girl your age. I couldn’t bring myself to ruin your life as mine has been. I will see what I can do.”
    She knelt down next to him. I was disappointed, but still eager to see what she would do. What did she mean, a burden? What curse could come from healing? I swallowed these questions as she reached into her robe and pulled out strange vials which she began to pour into one another. I watched, fascinated.


  10. I murmured the spells under my breathe and watched the colorful liquid burn into each other. I had to do each movement precisely, each measurement exact, because this kind of magic could be deadly if it was done wrong.
    Sweat beaded on my brow as the movements went faster and my chanting quickened. I barely breathed as the potion became one and filled one vile.


  11. I watched, entranced.
    “Perfect,” she breathed.
    “What are you going to do with the potion?” I asked.


  12. “What are you going to do with the potion?” Grace asked. I looked up and smiled.
    “He’ll have to drink it. Will you help me?” I asked.


  13. “Yeah, sure!” I replied, eager to help. I tipped back his head and coaxed his slack jaw to open. Then I poked his adam’s apple, making him gag and then his throat relax so as to let the potion down to his stomach.
    “There,” I said. “I think he’ll drink it now.”


  14. “Good.” I tipped the liquid into his mouth and it dribbled down into his mouth. He groaned in disgust and I watched as a pattern of purple colored his jaw line and seeped down his neck.
    “It’s working.” I explained. I watched carefully, making sure that his skin continued to glow.


  15. “What’s happening?!” I asked in awe, trying not to gag. It looked hideous.


  16. “It’s working.” I replied as I watched the purple begin to fade. “He’ll be whole once the glowing goes down. The purple color tells me how bad the damage is. The purple will take a few days to fade.” I chuckled nervously.


  17. “Ummm… It’s not radioactive, is it?” I asked nervously. “A couple DAYS? Yikes. What will I tell his mother…?” I shuddered. I was terrified of his mother.


  18. Imagine a woman with beady hawk eyes, a gorgeous face and body, and a wicked talent for spotting bad things in people. That about summed up his mother.
    I mean, she was nice, but terrifying.
    Justice laughed at my shudder. “One of those type, huh?”
    “Yep. She’s so scary… but she makes good cookies…” I mused. “I hope she survived, I don’t even know what happened to my family…” I sobered up and tried not to cry. I hoped they were all right.
    Justice patted my back.
    “It’s all right,” she said. “We’ll fix it. I promise.”


  19. I wasn’t sure I had made a fair promise but it was better than nothing. I smiled down at Grace as she watched the purple filter through his skin in disgust.
    “You know, we should go out and find more people.” Grace snapped her gaze in my direction. “You, know to save them. I may not have a family, but I do have a home here.” I tried to smile but I didn’t think it turned out that way.


  20. DING…..


  21. “That’s true.” I finally turned myself away from Lymanns sleeping face and turned to Justice. “Right, I’m sorry, I should’ve helped.” I dragged Lymann to a makeshift bed and tried to make him comfortable. “Now, lets go find some people.”


  22. Okay, I can do this. I took a deep breath in.
    “You ready for another bumpy ride?” I asked looking at Grace.


  23. I grit my teeth in unwelcome anticipation. “Yes, but where are we..?” she took my hand and suddenly… *I have no idea what you’re about to do so I will wait until I find out to comment the rest of this, tay?*


  24. *Kay since you haven’t commented back to my last thing, I’ll just keep going…*
    I grit my teeth in unwelcome anticipation. “Yes, but where are we..?” she took my hand and suddenly… *I have no idea what you’re about to do so I will wait until I find out to comment the rest of this, tay?*


  25. Before Grace could finish her sentence we were whisked back to the rumble of the building. I looked around but Wendy was already gone. She was a lost case anyway.
    I turned to Grace. “Ready to look for more survivors?”


  26. I gulped and swallowed. More dead to find. More living to save.
    “Yes.” I said. “Lets do it.”


  27. I walked to the nearest pile of burnt wood and started to dig. I wished I had some sort of sensory powers but I knew that was too much to ask for.


  28. I looked around me in despair. So much rubble, so much ash to sort through, and so little time. My anger flared at Wendy, who had caused all this trouble. I sighed, and with my heart heavy, I began to dig.
    I wished that I could tell what was under all this wreckage, and only dig where there were survivors. It was so disappointing when after digging through feet of ash and building and steel you found nothing. It was even more discouraging to dig and dig to find people with their eyes wide and blank, dead. It was frightening but also a motivation to continue, to save those who could be saved. Time was running out, people could be dying and it was our job to sort them out.
    Justice called over excitedly.
    “I’ve found a whole bunch of people! A bunch of strong men are trapped under this steel beam. Quick, come and help!”
    I rushed over, happy to be able to do something that I knew would bring about good results quickly. I hoped that the men wouldn’t be too dazed, as we needed them to help us dig and construct makeshift homes for civilians.
    We kept digging, quickly, as the men told us what happened.


  29. After what seemed like an eternity of finding the dead, I heard a call from below.
    “Hello . . . he-hello . . ?” Someone coughed.
    I looked around surprised and then saw a hand under a huge beam of metal that was holding them down. I yanked at it getting no where.
    “Um . . . hold on! I’ll get you out of there as soon as I can!” I yanked some more and nothing moved. I breathed heavily.
    “We’ll push from this side!” The same voice coughed.
    “Okay! I’ll get my friend.” I replied excitedly.
    I looked up and around and soon found Grace. “Grace! Grace! I’ve found a whole bunch of people! A bunch of strong men are trapped under this steel beam! Quick, come and help!” I shouted and began to tug once more.


  30. We both took hold of the thick building support and tugged with all our might.
    “Uuuuuuuuuuh!” I grunted. “Push harder from below!”
    The weight got lighter as the men shoved with all their might and slowly the beam gave way.
    “Yes!” I shouted, and the beam was no longer constricting them.


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